The Power of Group Buying | Little Things

By now you’ve probably heard of sites like Groupon and Living Social, especially after the big push they made with Super Bowl commercials earlier this year.

If you haven’t, here’s some more info + tips for you to get up to speed on things.

I subscribe to three of these kinds of sites: Groupon, Living Social, and Scout Mob (which is my favorite.)

I think they’re awesome, which is why they’re this week’s Little Thing.

Each site works slightly differently, so here’s the breakdown on all of them (the graphics are all pulled from the individual sites.)






Living Social

Scout Mob


The reason that Scout Mob is my favorite is because it’s the only one that you don’t have to actually purchase anything the day you find out about the deal.  I’m all about saving money with as little commitment as possible!

Scout Mob is the newest of the three sites, and lucky for me, it started here in Atlanta!  The site is growing rapidly, so if you’re not in Atlanta, it should get to you eventually (for all my South Florida friends/family, Miami’s up next!)

Living Social and Groupon are both huge and I think there are at least 3-4 separate deals for different areas of Metro Atlanta every day.  The nice thing about that is you can customize the emails you get to show you the deals that are closest to your house, which is great with gas prices these days 🙂

The deals can be for all kinds of things, from restaurants to maid services to dentists.  The variety is great!

Here’s a sampling of recent ones I received.


Here’s my big tip if you want to subscribe to these sites: do NOT sign up with your primary email account.

I have about 6 different email addresses (which isn’t normal, I know) but if you don’t already have an email address where you send things that don’t have to do with your personal life or business, get one.  It will make managing your inbox so much easier!

The emails from all these sites go directly to an account that doesn’t go to my phone and doesn’t make noise on my computer when it arrives.  That way, whenever I actually have the time to check them out, they’re waiting for me and didn’t interrupt other more important things.

That’s just me, maybe you have another way that works for you!

Hope this post helped demystify the world of group buying sites for you.  Happy saving!!



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