Ten Months

Today Matthew and I have been married for ten months.  When I think about how much we’ve done and all that has happened in the past ten months it is incredible.

The super quick version looks like this: Get married.  Honeymoon. Come home from honeymoon and finish up the school year. Graduate from law school. Study for the bar. Take the bar. Move to Atlanta. Wait a long time…find out we passed the bar. Get sworn in.  Start working for ourselves full time…only one of us as a lawyer.  Get a dog.

We know a bunch of people who got married last year around the same time as us, and a good amount of them already have kids or are pregnant. That sort of thing gets me thinking, and Matthew and I talk about it a fair amount.  Although we’ve done so much in the past ten months, there is still so much that is left to be done before we are ready to take that next step.

Ask anyone who knows me and they’ll tell you that I love kids.  Babies are awesome.  They smell so good, (most of the time) they are adorable, and they can do no wrong.  They’re just not for us anytime soon.

Now, at ten months of marriage, we’re still fine-tuning our patience with our eight month old practice child, Maccabee. Although our dog is the destroyer of all toys and eater of rocks, he’s our dog and we love him with all we have.  He’s more than enough baby for us at the moment.

Our businesses are like children too.  Each one requires plenty of time and the passion to keep doing what we’re doing.  It is so rewarding to see the hard work that we put in turn into new clients and new opportunities. I’m thrilled to be doing several destination weddings this year and get the chance to combine my love for photography with my love for traveling.

I look forward to the day where our lives progress to the point that talking about baby names actually has a purpose and I get to buy cute tiny outfits for our future child.  In the meantime, I’m perfectly happy to buy them for our friends 🙂



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