Snow in Atlanta | The Perfect Storm | Snowpocalypse 2011

It doesn’t snow too often in Atlanta.  When it does snow, it’s usually a light dusting that doesn’t stick around for more than a day or two.

So when the forecast called for heavy snow followed by an convenient dose of freezing rain, the city FREAKED OUT.

Growing up in South Florida I was accustomed to this sort of weather induced hysteria.   About once every other year a big hurricane would form and would begin to head right for us, causing everyone to rush out to the stores for the essentials: water, ice, batteries, bread, gasoline, duct tape and beer.

The big difference between hurricane hysteria and snow spazzing is that Florida gets hit by hurricanes on a regular basis and for the most part the state is well prepared to handle them.

Shutters come out of storage and after several curse words they are eventually installed.  Patio furniture is put in the garage and pools are drained.  All outside decor is brought inside because you never know what will end up a projectile (who really wants a statue of Tim Tebow to be flung through their sliding glass doors??). To get remodelling done, you could try here and hire the best services.

Georgia does not get significant amounts of snow on a regular basis so the city’s preparation for the storm consisted of three things:

Panic.  Swarm the grocery store.  Find something to be used as a sled.

Matthew and I didn’t really panic, but we did swarm the grocery store along with everyone else who was shopping like they’d never walk the aisles of Publix again.  We bought new flashlights (even though I have enough candles to start my own Yankee Candle store) tons of batteries and LOTS of food.

I’ve been on a cooking kick since the new year started and I got lots of fresh food to make yummy recipes throughout the week in case we got snowed in.  We also got tons of junk food in case we lost power and I was unable to prepare my yummy recipes and were forced to survive on cookies, candy and chips.

We were ready for the storm.

The snow started on Sunday evening, swiftly covering the houses and the roads.  Of course, we went outside and played in it!

We threw snowballs at each other, attempted to sled in our front yard and laughed until the neighbors came out to check on us to see what the heck we were doing.

Although not usually a fan of the cold, even Maccabee joined in on the fun.

We’re going on our second day being snowed in, and although I know a lot of other people in the area are getting annoyed, I’m loving having my hubby home during the week and getting to be productive.

If you’re snowed in too I hope you’re enjoying your time as well!

For those of you in Florida with the warm weather…hurricane season is less than six months away.  If you start stockpiling the beer now, you should be fine by June.



If you’re interested, here is a clip of me being silly in the snow on the first night of the snowpocalypse.

In case you’re wondering after viewing, no that parka is not a normal component of my winter wardrobe.

Speaking of silly, here’s Maccabee’s funny snow face.

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