Our new dog | Atlanta Pet Photographer

In our last post, we shared pictures of some of the cute dogs available for adoption at Atlanta Pet Rescue, and asked if you could guess which one was our favorite.

For most people, it was a no-brainer.  After several posts on the blog featuring our Doberman and the ones from Atlanta Doberman Rescue, you probably guessed the Doberman was our favorite!

She was so much of our favorite that we decided to adopt her and love her forever!

Maccabee finally has a sister to play with in his big backyard and we’re all thrilled!

Many thanks to Atlanta Pet Rescue for being so great with adopting her and letting us give her a new home.  She’s a wonderful addition to our lives and we’re very grateful we found her.

Meet Juno Osceola Enslein!! (yes, our dogs have middle names)

Maccabee’s middle name is Sebastian, after Sebastian the Ibis, the mascot of Matthew’s (poor choice) favorite team, UM.  Juno’s middle name is in honor of Chief Osceola, the mascot of MY favorite team (and alma mater) FSU!

It’s almost college football season!  Get excited!

The proud big brother (although they’re basically the same age.)

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