If you’re from up North, or anywhere where it routinely snows, you’ll probably want to disregard my next few posts. Today it is sunny, the snow is still here, and it is gorgeous outside. The most beautiful day I’ve seen in a long time! It’s not even that cold out (the sun helps a lot!!).
I woke up early this morning and I felt like a kid on Christmas morning. I shook Matthew awake and said “Let’s go outside and PLAY!” Of course, he never gets to sleep in except on the weekends and he just gave me “the look” and went back to sleep. I checked the weather from my iPhone while still under the covers and was delighted to find that this wasn’t the last of the snow. It’s (hopefully) supposed to snow a little bit more on Monday!
I got out of bed and took Maccabee for a walk in my spiffy rain boots which double nicely as snow boots. I let him off the leash and we ran around for a little while, having a blast. There’s still more snow than ice, and most of the ice is the safer slushy kind, not the icky black ice that’ll knock you on your butt.
I went back outside without the dog and took a bunch of pictures. I wish it looked like this outside every day.
That’s my office window!!
My footprints and Maccabee’s after our morning walk 🙂
Your favorite is my favorite as well! LM