Little Things | Space Heaters

When it comes to being cold, sometimes a little thing can make a big difference.

Like a space heater.

Growing up in Florida we never needed one- in fact, I don’t know if I’d ever seen a space heater before I moved to Georgia.

However, when Matthew and I moved out of our apartment and into a 55 year old house with less than ideal insulation, we quickly learned their value.

There’s no doubt who the biggest fan of space heaters in our household is…

Laying on his bed in front of the space heater is Maccabee’s absolute favorite place to be.

I’m pretty sure his idea of heaven is somewhere where warm air blows on him constantly and treats rain from the sky.

I don’t know if treats will ever rain from the sky in the office, but I sure do like having my happy warm boy next to me as I work 🙂

Hope you have a wonderful week!




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