Learning to Entertain | Super Bowl Sunday

When we were engaged and registering for our wedding I had these grand ideas of being this wife that cooked and threw fabulous parties.

I’d register online (because it’s wayyy easier than going to the store) for things at Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel and Bed Bath and Beyond and dream about how fabulous our married life would be.

In reality, our married life is pretty awesome, but until recently, cooking was a dirty word in our house.

We are masters of simple pasta, pop tarts and microwaveable dinners but recently I started branching out and cooking more.

When 2011 started I vowed to make cooking a more frequent and tasty occurrence in our house, and I think I’ve been doing a fairly good job keeping my promise.

Although I haven’t done a good job of posting about it on the blog, I’ve uploaded a few cell phone pictures to facebook here and there.

The trouble is remembering to take pictures before we dig in!

This year we had a little get together for the Super Bowl, nothing fancy, just some friends over to hang out and watch the game.

I’d never hosted a gathering at our place before so it seemed like the perfect time to test out my new culinary skills.

I collected some recipes I found on the internet and cooked up a storm for a few days leading up to the game.

As I was setting out all the food on game day I realized that I did not make a single thing that didn’t contain either chocolate or cheese.

Luckily we didn’t have any lactose intolerant people over and everything went well.

I took all my pictures before everyone arrived so I wouldn’t have to worry about my camera being around the food and festive beverages.

I’ve included the recipes for almost everything I made in the captions of the pictures, so feel free to make any of the treats you see for your next party (or for a day that ends in “y”)!



cucumber dip

Cucumber dill dip from my mom’s wonderful recipe.

oreo stuffed chocolate chip cookies

I downloaded these cute little cards to label all of the goodies and eliminate confusion.

delicious cookie

Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies…yeah, wow.

homemade peanut butter cups

Homemade Peanut Butter Cups…so yummy!

nutella peanut butter bars

In honor of world nutella day (which was the day before the superbowl)

I made Peanut Butter Nutella Bars.

cheddar bay biscuits

Cheddar Bay Biscuits which according to the recipe are just like the ones at Red Lobster.

I’ve never eaten at Red Lobster before, so I can’t tell you if they taste like them, but I can tell you they were delish.

party spread

I had posted on facebook about filling a tray  meant for a turkey with tasty treats…this is it.

Barton G's Mac and cheese

Mac and Cheese made from a recipe from Barton G’s, a wonderful restaurant in Miami.

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