iPhone 4 | Little Things

I know I’m late to the party.  The iPhone 4 made it’s debut last year but I just got mine this week.

Matthew and I were still rocking the ancient iPhone 3G (not the 3Gs with video, the one before it) and it was finally time for us to upgrade.

Mine had stopped working well after I jailbroke it and even after totally resetting the phone it was still giving me issues.

I will not be jailbreaking the new phone!

It’s such a relief to have a new phone that functions properly and that’s why it is this week’s Little Thing.

From texting to my to-do list, my phone is an essential part of my life and my business.

It’s important for me to stay connected at all times and I love how easy it is to do so with my phone.

I also take tons of pictures with it (mostly of our dog and things I cook) because it’s always with me and so much nicer to carry around than my “real” camera when I’m not working.



iPhone 4

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