Gorgeous Customizable Wedding Stationery | Basic Invite

I recently discovered the magic that is Basic Invite and I knew I had to share it with you!

I’m such a sucker for pretty paper products and Basic Invite has plenty!

They have all kinds of stationery from birth announcements to holiday cards, but their wedding products are what really stood out to me.

Basic Invite is one of the few best ranked websites that allows you to order a printed sample of your actual invitation before you place your final order.

I think that’s such a special thing to be able to do and it provides you with an instant keepsake!

One of my favorite things about their website is the ability to customize the colors of your entire stationery suite and see the changes in real time online.

Customizable Wedding Invitations from Basic Invite

Their envelopes are just as colorful as their invitations! You can choose from over 40 different colors when it comes to envelopes so that you can make your invitation stand out even before it is opened.

All of the envelopes are peel and seal so the envelopes can be quickly and securely closed. No licking necessary!

Wedding Invitations from Basic Invite

Once you’ve made your invitation exactly the way you want it, you can also select a variety of matching products, including a free wedding website!

Basic Invite also help you collect addresses from your wedding guests and then turn around and print them on the envelopes for you. I’m a fan of anything that helps simplify the process of wedding planning!

Wedding stationery with matching website

I love the variety of designs you can choose, from a modern clear invitation to a romantic hand-lettered look.

Clear Wedding Invitation from Basic Invite

Pink hand-lettered wedding invitation

There is even a spectacularly simple seal and send style wedding invitation with RSVP card attached. When guests receive it, all they have to do is remove the tear-away RSVP section at the bottom and pop it in the mail with their reply!

Seal and Send Wedding Invitations from Basic Invite

There is something to please everyone and each design is a completely matched set so you can order coordinating save the dates, rehearsal dinner invitations, programs and thank you cards!

We got married nearly a decade ago and nothing matched. Our website was one theme, our invitations were another and our thank you cards were some super random set I found on sale.

I wish I’d thought to coordinate everything, it looks so much prettier and cleaner that way! Plus it’s nice to purchase everything at one time and check it off the to-do list!

Fun save the date from basic invite

Colorful invitation suite from basic invite

As if there weren’t enough to love about the people over at Basic Invite, they’ve given me a promo code to pass along to you for 15% off your entire order! Use the code “15FF51” at checkout and save some money!

Happy shopping!




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All of our wedding collections include a complimentary engagement session. It's our way of saying thank you for trusting us with documenting the celebration of your marriage.