Newborn Photography | Day Two: William Preston | Atlanta

One day wasn’t enough.  Matthew finished up with work early and this afternoon we headed back to the hospital to visit with Richard, Katie and Preston some more.  It was a wonderful visit, just the five of us (along with a brief visit from Katie’s Godmother) hanging out and talking about all the fun things that the future holds.

I know it’s been said a million times before but it really is so amazing to see the miracle of a new human being.  It’s so surreal that after all this time of Katie being pregnant, he’s finally here and he’s a real person, albeit a teeny tiny one!

The nurses popped in and our during our visit and one of them checked Preston’s hearing with this crazy machine that monitored his brain’s response to sounds.  We all stared at him intently as the test was going on, hoping that everything was okay and he would pass. Of course he was fine and his hearing was perfect in both ears, but for those few minutes we were all nervous about what would happen if it wasn’t.

I am truly thankful that our friends have been blessed with a healthy baby boy and I can’t wait to see person he grows up to be.  I’m sure he’ll have his Daddy’s sense of humor and his Mommy’s sweet disposition and the world will indeed be a better place because of him.

We’re so excited you’re here little man!!

All our love,

Becca and Matthew

Matthew was a bit apprehensive and didn’t hold Preston yesterday.

Today he got to sit down and hang out with the little guy and these shots just melt my heart.

I love my hubby so much.  He’ll be a great daddy one day (a L O N G time from now)

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